Assistant Professor of Psychology
Ph.D., University of Waterloo

Anna Gödöllei

Contact Information:

Lab: Motivation and Technology Lab

Google Scholar

Anna Gödöllei earned her Ph.D. in I/O Psychology at the University of Waterloo and her M.S. in I/O Psychology from the University of Calgary. Her research focuses on two main areas: 1) employee motivation and 2) technology at work.  In the area of employee motivation, she studies people’s subjective experiences of goal progress (e.g., perceived progress, boredom, regulatory focus) and how these experiences shape people’s self-regulatory behaviors. In the area of technology at work, her research examines employees’ attitudinal and behavioural reactions to the implementation of technology in various organizational domains. Anna collaborates internationally with scholars from Canada, Australia, and the United States. Her work has been published in outlets such as Human Performance and the Handbook of the Psychology of the Internet at Work. She has won numerous awards, in excess of $180,000, from agencies such as AoM, SIOP, Canadian-SIOP and the Canadian federal government’s Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).

Representative publications:

  • Gödöllei, A. F. & Beck, J. W. (2020). Development and validation of the state regulatory focus scale. Human Performance, 33, 104-129.

  • Beck, J. W. & Gödöllei, A. F. (2020). A dynamic perspective on workplace motivation. In Y. Griep, and S. D., Hansen (Eds.), Handbook on the Temporal Dynamics of Organizational Behavior (pp. 237-250). Edward Elgar Publishing.

  • Chapman, D. S. & Gödöllei, A. F. (2017). E-recruiting: Using technology to attract job applicants. In G. Hertel, D. L. Stone, R. D. Johnson & J. Passmore (Eds.), The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of the Psychology of the Internet at Work (pp. 211-230). Wiley-Blackwell.

Representative presentations:

  • Gödöllei, A. F. & Beck, J. W. (2022, August). Fear of Embrace? Employees’ Diverging Appraisals of Automation, and Consequences for Job Attitudes. Paper presented at the 82nd annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Seattle, WA.

  • Gödöllei, A. F. & Beck, J. W. (2021, April). Control at work helps employees see the upside of automation. Poster presented at to the 36th annual meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, New Orleans, LA.

  •  Nishioka, M. & Gödöllei, A. F. (2021, April). A meta-analytic investigation and future research agenda of boredom at work. Poster presented at the 36th annual meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, New Orleans, LA.

  • Gödöllei, A. F. & Beck, J.W. (2019, April). Development of a state regulatory focus scale. Poster presented at the 34th annual meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Washington, DC.

  • Gödöllei, A. F. & Chapman, D. S. (2016, August). Gamified cognitive assessments in selection: Validity, discrimination, and applicant reactions. Paper presented at the 76th annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, CA.